Blazing Across the Finish Line, Setting Records in Speed and Deals!
Sales App
Boost your sales strategy with our dynamic sales documents!
Sales Quotation
Generate professional quotes quickly to impress clients and close deals faster.
Manage complex pricing structures effortlessly with our flexible tools.
Offer tailored solutions to meet specific client needs and boost customer satisfaction.
Sales Order
Seamlessly process customer orders with the Sales Order App.
Manage inventory levels effectively to ensure stock availability.
Ensure timely deliveries by tracking order progress and shipping status.
Monitor costs to keep your pricing strategy on point.
Set customized customer prices based on tailored pricing agreements.
Receive stock level notifications to stay informed on inventory changes.
Receipt voucher
Multicurrency: choose multiple cash accounts, different currencies and live conversion.
Detailed calculation: View unpaid bills split by subtotal and tax in your chosen currency with instant conversion.
Multi payment method: Accept multiple payment forms in one transaction, automatically updating records for accuracy and compliance.
Down payment
Secure orders effortlessly for smoother transactions.
Assign payments to invoices with ease to keep finances in check.
Balance cash seamlessly, ensuring accurate financial records.
Keep customers happy with our intuitive tools that minimize errors and boost efficiency.
Sales Return
Assignment: Assign returns to multiple invoices and get you items from your invoices automatically.
Credit note: Simplify refunds and invoice corrections with ease, ensuring every transaction reflects perfect accuracy!
Sales Invoice
Status: get to know your invoice settlement and delivery status.
Insights: Access costs, customized customer price lists, and stock quantities instantly